3420 Longvue Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Phone: 817-244-0825
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To be able to see God's grace realized in the life of His child is such a tremendous blessing. Time after time we hear testimonies from those who have received a blessing as they have attended the LONGVUE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. Come and see.
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* Preach the Word*
Welcome to our ‘Sermons page’. Again, this is a work in progress and we greatly appreciate your patience as we learn the ropes so to speak. I have been preaching the word for twenty years and I have learned that God gives the message for the hour. However, the message, because of it’s being born out of God’s Holy Word, is also timeless and can effect every generation. I have never been ashamed to preach a message more than once that God has given me, if I feel it is His will. I’ve done it several times. This is because the message was never mine in the first place. Let me invite and encourage you to allow these timeless truths to speak to your heart regardless of how long ago they may have been recorded.
Brother Duane Kilman has taken on the responsibility of this ministry. I am so grateful for his desire to make good, God-honoring, King James only, preaching available. I have given him the green light to make available any sermons that he feels necessary. I will also direct that any message I feel burdened for others to hear to be made available as well.
There are often times when God gives me a message that I feel the whole world needs to hear. They may have to do with certain elements of culture, relationships, revival, our youth, and even certain issues of the day. When this is the case I will indicate those messages by placing a ‘*’ beside those sermons for emphasis.